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Miffa Set Up a New World Record

She finally explored Antarctica


She has learnt from the best ones

No matter how far and difficult


Fearless Explorer

鳴沙山 Ming Sha Shan


Miffa Chan

Travel & Adventure


Supreme Leader

The Orange Cap Sect


Relentless Travel

With endless friends around the Globe


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Abandoned by her grandpa – whealthiest man of Asia- she manages to enjoy life while investing her money from Singapore.

One of the inventors of the influencer profession, brazen, shameless and a lover of the good and the best. Any ill-bred daughter, even Paris Hilton, has far less merit on her resume.

Addicted to back-alley card games, she has at least given up smoking cheap cigarettes.

The First Bunny to Conquer all Five Continents, here we can read her countdown for her world record – visiting Antarctica.

Miffa Chan is the founder and leader of The Supreme Orange Cap Sect.

The Supreme Orange Cap Sect is a shadowy organization, its activities and membership kept hidden from the public eye. However, their influence is felt in all corners of the world, as they work behind the scenes to pull the strings of power and control the fate of nations. They are like a modern version of the Fu Manchu novels, with Miffa Chan as the charismatic and ruthless leader, leading her followers in a quest for world domination.

Miffa, the intrepid bunny, aims to be the first of its kind to conquer all five continents

Mr BurungScientific Researcher

"Miffa sets out to break world record in Antarctica with countdown underway"

Aurelie CookArtic Explorer

"Miffa, a global explorer since 2006, sets new standards for adventure and discovery

Zak Mc GrossDeep Dive Instructor

"Miffa, the unparalleled bunny adventurer, conquers all challenges with a proven record of success"

Orang GutangArctic Pilot and Logistics Apecialist
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